Blog: Legacy
My thoughts on software development.
I have many interests in software development and I enjoy writing about then. As such my blog doesn't cover just one topic.
Here are my notes from [DDD EU 2022]( It was a great conference this year with a focus on models, growth, managing complexity and dealing with legacy.
Will definitely review these notes in the near future and see how I can apply them to my work day to day.
## Opening Keynote
- Andrew Harmel-Law
- Diana Montalion
- Mike Rozinsky
- Gayathri Thiyagarajan
**The advice process:**
1. When working on something, get advice from two groups:
1. Those affected by the decision
2. Experts in the area
2. Then it's up to you to decide
The goal is to free up decision bottlenecks from making deci...
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Show me your reward mechanisms and I'll show you your problems.
I've been thinking a lot about reward mechanisms, how they incentivise us and how they can be gamed. They exist to ensure we're going in the right direction, defining a win scenario as tightly as possible, and if they're poorly chosen they can lead to a company collapsing slowly over time. Like any tool they are both a blessing and curse.
## Reward Mechanisms
So what is a reward mechanism? A reward mechanism is a process that encourages certain behaviours by offering a reward at the end. Exhibit the behaviour, get the reward. Typical examples are bonuses at work for r...
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Do you work with Legacy code? You probably do and don't realise it. IMO, if the code is over 5 years old, messy and it makes money, then it's probably legacy. Legacy code is tricky, and most of us try to avoid it, moving onto sexy new ideas and projects as time moves on. This means that we never learn to deal with legacy, and all the while, the codebase is chugging along, getting worse and increasingly expensive to change. If we don't learn to deal with legacy code, then we'll never learn how to maintain systems over time. We need to address this.
That's where this article comes in, it is a collection of my notes from reading and a...
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